We are now three weeks into our message series on prayer, and I must say I am beginning to really see God at work. The evidences may be subtle at this point but they are evident and bear the signature of God written all over them. I hear it in the prayers our people are offering up.
God's people are praying with a kingdom focus. Humility is present in their voices as they submit their will to the will of their Father. This is the begining of great things. The verse in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 is ringing loud and clear ; "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." There is so much truth in those few words, and that truth will set us free!
I feel it! I feel a great turning in the heart of our church - a turning from human will and interest to God's will and interest. I sense a humility that is amazing - people bowing themselves down before their Creator, laying their lives on the altar as a living sacrifice. Prayer is working!
We have discussed three key elements of prayer so far: First, prayer changes us. Second, prayer is about the will of God, and third, there exists a major, spiritual struggle for our prayer life as we "wrestle not against flesh and blood." Up to this point we have been speaking about our communication to God, starting next week we will begin to learn the elements of God's communication to us.
Prayer is a two-way street. That simple concept is perhaps the least taught, and most needed in all the discipleship process. How can we do God's will if we can't hear God's voice? How can we reach our full potential in Him if we neglect to foster a relationship with Him? By developing our relationship with God we will learn to hear His voice.
We have some exciting things yet to learn in this series. Please pray for me as I study and seek the words God would have me to share with you throughout the remainder of this prayer emphasis. I am very encouraged by what is promised to us if we "humble ourselves and pray." I am kind of old fashioned in that I believe God will do what he said He would do if we do what He tells us to do.
Expecting great things,