Monday, January 19, 2009

Simply Amazing

I have spent the better part of my life studying great movements of God. I have read about His mighty creative acts in the book of Genesis. I have marveled at the sea that was parted and the Sun that stood still. I am awed by His power over the forces of nature which obey His every command. Nothing stands against Him. He is God.  

But as shocking as it may seem, those things do not amaze me.  I expect them because I believe in who He is.  Being marveled and awestruck is quite entertaining.  Its the "wow factor" we expect from One so powerful.  Being amazed, however, is quite a different story.  Amazement is utter confusion - speechless wonder.  It is the recognition of the futility of understanding that which awes us.

Let me explain.  I stand in awe of His mighty power.  It impresses me beyond that which I can describe with words, but it doesn't amaze me because I understand it.  I know that sounds a bit arrogant, but humor me for a second.  When I say I understand it, I am not saying I understand how He did those things; I am saying I understand why He did those things.  As oversimplified as it might sound, God did those things because He can.  He is God.  

I stand amazed at something far more complex than all those aspects combined.  I stand amazed as to why He chose to work the way He did in the lives of His people.  Why He, being God, would even bother to listen to a thing we would have to say?  

I mean, He wanted to hear what we had to say so badly that He sent His own Son to die for us to make it possible.  God wants to have a relationship with man.  He wants to talk with us. That, my friends, is simply amazing.  

Now, lets take a closer look at this thing that is so amazing.  God moves in great ways.  I have watched as God has worked in the lives of men to accomplish great tasks for His kingdom's glory.  I want nothing more than to be a part of such a moving God.  I'm not talking about an "Oh, God, heal my feeble, weary body" kind of movement.  I'm talking about an "Oh, God, heal our land," kind of movement.  A working of God that changes lives by the millions.  

He has done it before in the lives of men, and all I can say in reply is I am amazed.  Amazed that He would use men to accomplish such a heavenly task.  Amazed that He would chose to react to our situation.

In all my amazement I ask one question: How does He determine which men to use in the working out of His purposes?  The answer is clear.  Those who will pray.

God's greatest desire is to have fellowship with us.  Those who will pray, fulfill that longing in His heart.  Over 3,000 years ago the LORD spoke to King Solomon and said these words:
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

When we pray He hears, and great movements of God follow.  

I stand amazed as to why God would answer our prayers.  Then it hits me.  He is God.   




1 comment:

  1. I started following this blog as a form of support for what I believe to be a valuable ministry tool for our church.As I read something wonderful/painful happened all at the same time.I got sucked in. I found myself looking in the mirror wondering do I truly spend enough time with my heavenly Father,am I committed to HIS mission on this earth.I read something this week that struck deep in my soul it went something like this."What's the only thing that will matter 300 million years from now? (SOULS). I'm not sure if I believe GOD really waits on man or not. But if he does I don't want to be the one holding things back.


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