Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back from the Youth Trip

What a great trip! We just returned from our youth trip to Winter Extreme in Gatlinburg Tennessee. I don't think there is anything more exciting than to watch young people praise the Lord in an environment that places no restrictions on who they are. Free from opinions and culture, young people are honest enough to worship in spirit and in truth. No judgmental eyes allowed. No one telling them to "take off their hats," or "pull up their britches." No one looking down their nose at the blue hair or the extra earring or two, or three, or four . . .

When we stop looking at the outside of the cup, we start seeing what is on the inside. As I sat there in that auditorium and watched the church of the future experience the presence of God in a way that we, as adults, are too afraid to encounter, I was reminded of a small, overlooked passage in scripture that kept coming to my mind over and over again.

In 1st Samuel, the prophet is sent to anoint young David to be king. As he searches, God Himself speaks these words, "The Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." This past week I saw the hearts of our young people. I saw them reach out to their God in a way that I have yet to see adults (anywhere) reach out. They were unhindered in their praise of Him. There were no judgmental eyes monitoring their every move, but yet no one smoked any pot, no one got pregnant. I witnessed no illegal behavior or gossip of any kind. I saw people genuinely concerned about their walk with Christ and the impact they can have in their world.

During our trip, hundreds of young people made true, sincere decisions for Christ concerning who they are and what they are going to be in Him. The youth@the park made six public decisions alone! Two rededicated their lives, three committed their lives to full-time Christian service and one accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. It doesn't get any better than that!

Church, our kids are on fire for God. My biggest fear is that some judgmental mind will come along and try to throw water on what God has begun in their hearts. My prayer is that they will continue what God has begun, and that I, as their pastor, will do all that is in my power to protect them from judgmental fire fighters.

You go kids!

Pastor Keith

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